
Wednesday 2 September 2015

Real Neat Blog Award + New Discoveries Tag

So today is awards and tags day, again with many gifs. Be warned.

First up, the Real Neat Blog Award from Deadly Darlings! I love their (consistent) posts, and they always have such thought-provoking discussions. Thank you, Aimee!

1.) Which author do you think would be the perfect fictional main character? Victoria Schwab. I mean, she writes fabulous books and I love all of them, but her Twitter is no less wonderful. Her tweets alternate from extreme Britishness to writing woes to incredibly infectious enthusiasm about her upcoming releases.

2.) Is there a fictional character you wish was your child? I wish Tom Riddle was my child, because (a) I don't want to wish my parenting skills on any decent character and (b) I would be a better evil genius than Riddle. I mean. Do not hide your soul in such painstakingly obvious relics! Use a Nokia!

3.) Do you want to be an author? Why or why not? If by that you mean whether I want to publish novels, then yes, I do want to be an author. I love love love writing, even though it may be weird at times.

4.) Do you believe in true love? Why or why not? I believe that people can love one another and their feelings can be genuine, but I also believe that love is dynamic and it can reach a fulfilling end without either party dying or swearing to celibacy or something. True love as media understands it is far too absolute.
5.) Which author do you think is most likely to survive the Hunger Games and why? Are we talking about an author plus twenty-three normal people Hunger Games, or an all-authors Hunger Games? Either way, I sure hope Suzanne Collins can survive her own imagination.

6 + 7.) Name 3-5 bloggers you look up to. + Name 3-5 fabulous people you met because of blogging.

These are also my nominees, because I will always look for shortcuts.
I'm also going to try and not name the people I always name, because I hate to be dull and everyone deserves recognition.
Then we have the New Discoveries Tag by Ally @ The Scribbling Sprite!

The rules:
1. Share the picture above in your post and link back to the person who tagged you.
2 + 3. Share at least one blog you've recently discovered. + Share at least one blog you'd describe as a new favorite.
4. Share at least one blog you'd describe as an old favorite.
5. Tag however many people you like.

New Favourites (new is a term being used loosely)

Old Favourites: see questions 6 and 7 above. Seriously.

That's it for today — if I haven't done your tag yet, hang in there because I promise it is coming. I PROMISE.

Okay, grasshoppers: what are YOUR favourite blogs? Give them a shout out in the comments!

Join my takeout army, become friends with moi, and receive my exclusive monthly musings!


  1. *whispers* I think you accidentally linked to the wrong blog for Nova's blog. :P It links to a blog where the first post I see is about how women are evil. *cough* Anyways, no biggie. I love Nova's blog, too. As for my favorite blogs, well, I have LOTS of them and there's no way I could list just a few favorites without leaving a TON out. Recently I've really been enjoying your blog (I love hearing about your WIPs), For the Bookish, A Writer's Faith, To the Barricade (again, love hearing about the WIPs), Six Impossible Things, Fairy Skeletons, Fullness of Joy, My Lady Bibliophile, Curious Wren and a lot more.

    1. *whisper-shouts* HOW AWKWARD. Thanks ever so much for the heads up, I've fixed the link now! And yeah, tags always make me jittery because WHAT IF I LEAVE SOMEONE OUT. There's so much responsibility in power! *gasps*

      I'm delighted that you enjoy hearing about Matryoshka and Winner Takes All and the rest of my pets! I love a lot of the blogs you mention too, although a few are new to me and I'll check them out -- thanks so much!

  2. "I sure hope Suzanne Collins can survive her own imagination." Ha, funniest thing I've read all day. But for real, if there was a Hunger Games for authors, I'm pretty sure they would just conjure up creatures to win it for them.

    1. More like they'd sit around and compare writing woes XD Maybe one of those sports celebrities authors would win?

  3. I would love to see an authors' Hunger Games (but preferably where they don't die or anything, because why would we waste precious resources like that). But yeah, I think I'd be rooting for Suzanne Collins too, or maybe Veronica Roth because it would be a little bit hilarious if she survived in a universe she's said to have ripped-off. Or maybe I just have a weird sense of humor.

    I agree with you about the true love thing, and I approve of your Star Wars GIF.

    My favorite blogs would be Sometimes I'm a Story; Paper Fury; Books, Bubbles, and Arohanui; and all the others listed on my favorite people page.

    1. DON'T KILL ANY AUTHORS. Especially not the ones with unfinished series, nooooo. And ooh yes, Veronica Roth and Suzanne Collins would make a very amusing showdown. Star Wars gifs are the best, hands down.

      Heather is basically my blogging inspiration, and Paper Fury is a wonderful blog indeed! Books, Bubbles, and Arohanui I'm less familiar with, but I've visited it before and the name is just amazing.

  4. Bwahah this is FABULOUS! I love the bit about Suzanne Collins- SO TRUE! And she'd totally win, because she can just reinvent the rules. She may actually end up as the President Snow of these games and will have to be overthrown by... well gosh, who should incite the rebellion?!

    Thanks for mentioning me! What IS with all the midnight blogs? (Says the owner of one such beast.) Also, I could spend all day listing my favorite blogs. Rest assured you're among them. List of them? Sure:

    Shannon @ It Starts At Midnight

    1. Lalalala my blog is on there lalalala <333

    2. AHAHA, yes, she'd just be like, "the winner has to be ME" and there we go. And she'd know all about the rebellion already, and kill off all our fav characters again ... just, NOPE.

      You're very welcome, and thanks for the shout-out on your page! It means a lot that you enjoy reading TDOT :D

      *high-fives Vlora* Yay, Shannon clearly enjoys cake (if falsely advertised).

  5. I did not realise there were like a hundred other blogs with the word Midnight in it when I named mine. Then I found Shannon and Mel's... ah well, at least I am in EXCELLENT company hehe. My blog name is a lie though, I'm usually asleep by midnight like the boring granny that I am.

    Oh Nokia 3310, you would also be my horcrux of choice any day of the week. I love your answer for the True Love one, I do think that the media and fiction we consume have formed a very distorted view on love. And EEEP OBI WAN.

    Thanks so much for nominating me *squishes*

    1. More people should name their blogs after noon. A much more godly hour, and the perfect time to wake up and dive into books. *nods* OBI-WAN IS THE SAVING GRACE OF THE PREQUELS. I shudder to think how the sequels will end up without him.

      You're welcome!

  6. Why hasn't anyone ever used a Nokia as an object of power before? That is such a genius idea! (Maybe I might have to try something like that at some point. I could see it in an urban fantasy definitely). I'll have to check out your favourite blogs. Apart from Nova's, I don't think I've read any of the others.

    1. OMG YES, that would be fantastic in urban fantasy. Do check them out, they're very nice blogs!

  7. Well, I think that people are a bit harsh on Nokias. I have a perfectly functional nokia...that I use as an alarm clock and an alarm clock only. (haha, but actually its true) I really like your blog and paer Fury and Sometimes I'm a story and Loony Literate... REally, I like ALL of the blogs (the ones I read at least) Theres this quote from girl overboard by justina chen headley which I'm paraphrasing "There is no such thing as the right person, because you change and they change and that's okay. It doesn't mean you should stop loving" That said, I think there can be something more than true romantic love, like true family love.
    Now Alyssa, I think you're being a bit harsh on your parenting skills. How do you know until you've tried? Think how (much eviller) Tom Riddle would have been if he'd had you for a mother.

    1. HAHAHA. I haven't seen a Nokia for ages, honestly. And aww, thank you for listing me as a blog you enjoy -- Weaving Waves Words is a fabulous blog too! And pfft, clearly my parenting skills should be measured in evilness of my spawn.

  8. I LOVE an old Nokia phone as a Horcrux hahahaha. Any joke about how Nokias are indestructible delights me TBH. My mum bought me and herself two Nokias when I was about... 7-9 (not sure) and my grandma used my mum's until, like, last year. It still works today obviously, but the buttons were too small for her. Mine had a crack through the screen (SMH, Nokia), but it still worked. It's not really representative though, my phone's have to withstand A LOT. I don't remember how it got it, but I probably accidentally through it onto the train tracks right before a train passed through or something.

    That's hilarious with the Midnight blogs hahaha. I guess a lot of people stay up reading? I know I do.

    And also I'm thinking of a Hunger Games for authors now. They'd have to like write their way out of tricky situations and do all sorts of writing exercises and there could be alliances and if they meet someone they have to "fight" by writing. OMG, I'm imagining the most fun event now. I'm thinking about creating a blogger Hunger Games now or something. I WILL THINK ABOUT THIS SOME MORE. (Also, I just realized I really miss comment fests. Like, when you have people prompt something and then someone else responds and writes it. And like memes where people leave their names and interests and stuff and other people can friend them (although in this case it would have to be check out their blog or follow them, I guess) according to common interests. Is there something like this in the book blogging community? There should be!)

    1. I once saw a video of a Nokia being microwaved. A devil came crawling out, and I'm talking the fire-and-smoke kind, not the takeout-ordering kind you find hereabouts. And ooh, that would be cool! We'd have write-offs like dance-offs and maybe a few rounds of slam poetry.

      Well, it appears you just created one before I got around to commenting, so yay! It's loads of fun, let me tell you.

  9. That nokia though! *giggles crazily like a mad cat lady* . I can't imagine you making Tom Riddle any worse, so sounds like a good child for you (and I mean that in the best way). I MUST find Victoria Schawb's books if you keep ranting about them! I think I pity suzanne collins now. Fun tag!

    1. *giggles along because mad cat ladies are only second to mad takeout ladies* Yeah, at least I'd tell him not to be so petty to curse the DADA spot. Schwab is THE LITERAL BEST, let me tell you. Go read them all.

  10. Awk, so many midnights! I totally messed up when I changed my blog name, DANG IT. It should've been Paper Fury Midnight. *rethinks life decisions*
    Ohh, I wonder how Suzanne Collins would do in the Hunger Games. xD And I think Lauren DeStephano would make a FABULOUS book character because she's so hilariously witty on twitter. Like seriously?! How is she so funny. xD
    Some of my favourite blogs are Emily's Loony Literate, DEFINITELY Shannon and Mel too!! And I also adore Zoe's Stories on Stage and Charnell's Reviews from a Bookworm! :D AND YOURS OF COURSE.

    1. It's always such a blow when you come up with a glorious blog name that you can't use because you already have a blog. AND OH YES LAUREN DESTEPHANO. I don't follow her but her tweets still show up on my feed because everyone retweets them. They're just that good.

      Em's blog is glorious, of course, and I've visited Zoe's and Charnell's before and enjoyed their posts too. AND THANK YOU. IT'S A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOUR MAJESTY.

  11. Yes that is the question, if Suzanne Collins can't survive, could anyone?

    1. Fiction would be a lot less interesting if authors had to be afraid of their creations becoming real XD

  12. ... Alyssa, I gotta say, I'm a little worried that the first fictional character that popped into your mind to raise and cherish and impart endless wisdom upon was not a kind, naive, impressionable young thing; not a fluffy, happy-go-lucky character; nor even one of your own WIP-babies.

    Nope, of course you had to pick Lord Voldemort.

    (I mean, should I be surprised? Probably not. But still. ;))

    I do like what you said about true love - though I'm not sure I 100% agree with your thoughts (since I've never really looked at true love as something requiring death and/or tragedy), they are certainly a lot better than any of the media's portrayals of it. So thank you for that, as well. :)

    1. Well, the issue is, if I picked my WIP-babies, they'd try to kill me or something. Not that it's undeserved, but I'd prefer otherwise, you know? I do think that true love is overly tragic in modern media, but of course it's different in life.

  13. *whispers* But if Tom Riddle was your child wouldn't you die like in childbirth or something and wouldn't that kind of suck? I mean... I don't have any experience but it's kinda important, right?

    *eyes water* THAT IS THE BEST DESCRIPTION OF TRUE LOVE HOW DO YOU HAVE ALL THIS WISDOM? *happiness* And I love your Sith GIF. I use that phrase like all the time in my life.

    And you have now given me a bunch of blogs to go look up and enjoy, so thanks for the recs!

    (Also, sorry for being that awkward late commenter. *sigh* All my commenting is coming as a weekend thing this week. :P)

    1. *whispers* Oh. Right. Yes. Maybe I could ADOPT him. He was at an orphanage anyways.

      I actually have zero romantic experience, so don't take my word for it. That quote is quite lovely, no? And glad you can discover some new blogs!

      (Late commenters are no less awesome than early commenters so thank you anyways!)

  14. Hahaha, that Horcrux idea is so good. I'm assuming Nokia's are unbreakable? I love them, but I'd suggest not making a horcrux in an iPhone. Unless it has an epic case. Now I am set on the idea Tom Riddel should have used a mobile and has this unthinkable phone case, like Hello Kitty or rainbows and unicorns. Nobody'd have guessed it.
    These tags are so neat- sharing the blogger love! This last year I've found a couple of my favourites (definitely yours for one) of all time and have felt myself in the community in a way I wasn't in the past four years, which has been so incredible.

    Hmm... who'd survive in The Hunger Games? Probably George R. R. Martin. Everyone'd sponsor him.

    1. I stole that idea from Tumblr, to be honest, but Tumblr is an infinite source of evil wisdom. That would be very unpredictable indeed! I have the same feeling about discovering the blogosphere after a very long time -- thank you very much for your kind words!

      PS: Oh yeah, definitely. Especially since I need him alive to write the next book.

  15. ASDFGJKL, I am so chuffed right now because you mentioned me as one of your new favourite blogs and BLESS YOUR COTTON SOUL, ALYSSA.

    As for having Tom Riddle as a son ... I like that answer! What if you could have changed things (I mean, would he have ended up at the orphanage if you'd been his mother?). Or he could have totally gotten some evil tendencies from you (like being better at hiding things) XD


    I think that Suzanne Collins would probably triumph at the Hunger Games. I mean, like you said, she created them. She'd surely know how to cheat the system to survive.

    And I have noticed a LOT of book blogs with "midnight" in the title! It's a pretty word, though, so I can see why they use it ;D

    1. *pokes finger inside own cotton soul* But seriously, your blog is fabulous. I can't believe it took me so long to discover it!

      As another commenter pointed out, I'd prefer to not die in childbirth, so I suppose I will adopt him from the orphanage and tutor him in the ways of evilness and discretion.

      Yep, we'd probably need a District 14 to take President Collins down XD


IMPORTANT: Please use Name/URL instead of Wordpress/OpenID to comment, otherwise Blogger hobbits will eat your words. So sorry about this. Thanks!

I respond to all comments and would love to check out your blog if you leave a link :D Unless it's spam. Then I'll delete the comment and put you on the takeout blacklist, what a shame!