#WatchMeWrite [5]: Revising Winner Takes All

#WatchMeWrite is a campaign started by E. R. Warren and Samantha Chaffin, wherein writers record their process, speed it up, add music, and show it to the rest of the world. Past #WatchMeWrite videos can be found here.

It's my first time recording my revising process, so I hope it worked out fine. This video won't be new to my amazing newsletter subscribers, because they saw it at the beginning of this month. Want first dibs on the takeout too? Subscribe here for bonus readerly takeout right in your inbox!

How do you revise your work? How much do you love John Williams? Take it away in the comments!

Share the #WatchMeWrite love on Twitter:
  • Backstabbing and executions and the royal court in @AlyssaC_HK's latest #WatchMeWrite. (Click to Tweet)
  • #Writing tracklists and a secret Tumblr board: watch @AlyssaC_HK's writing process! (Click to Tweet)


  1. #WatchMeWrites are so fun to watch and who can go wrong with Star Wars? I did wonder... it looks like that is pages 116+ and yet I feel like that is chapter two. But who knows.

    Also, I loved seeing the pictures you were referencing. They looked very cool and were a little helpful to me! :)

    1. Indeed! I keep forgetting to record myself these days, though -- although that could be because I stopped working to trade mss with you :D That's not quite chapter 2 -- you'll recognise it sooner or later, I suppose :P

      Ooh, possibly I should let you in on the Tumblr. That is, if I can figure out the password again without Chrome's auto-complete ...

  2. It's a lot of fun watching you write! And I really enjoyed the music. :)

    1. Thank you! I love doing #WatchMeWrite videos too :D

  3. There is just something so amazing about watching another writer write! :)

    1. There is, isn't there? :D Thanks for watching!

  4. This is so cool to watch. Winner Takes All looks amazing. Were you inspired by Abba? Is it a fantasy? John Williams is amazing, though Frozen (soundtracks, not songs) and Pirates of the Caribbean are my favourites.

    1. Thank you! Can't say I am, since I'm not very sure what Abba is. It is indeed fantasy. Perhaps I shall try to use Frozen soundtracks/PotC for the next one? :D

  5. I can't pinpoint what exactly is so fascinating about watching other writers write, but I always enjoy it. Maybe it's because I tend to forget that there's no magical formula for getting the words down on paper, and everybody has to do it basically the same sitting down and hammering it out. Thanks for sharing!

    1. That's definitely true! Some people have lots of inspiration alongside their writing, or use fancy fonts, or even handwrite. But the most important thing at the end of the day is to get the words down and make them better.

  6. (Ooh, dear, I can't remember what username I've been posting with. Ah well.)
    #WatchMeWrite is such a cool idea! I think someone else already asked this, but what did you use to record your computer screen?
    Winner Takes All looks FABULOUS. (Perhaps I should consider making a plan of sorts sometime!) I never actually really *got* what editing was like...but now I think I do? I don't know, it makes a lot more sense now. :)

    1. (You were using Taile, but it doesn't really matter. I know who you are XD XD)

      No problem; I used Quicktime's Screen Recording function, but I believe it's restricted to Macs. And to be honest, I don't think that was the best example of revisions -- that was mainly me trying to brush the ms up to a somewhat coherent and presentable level to share with CPs. Keep an eye out for next month's #WatchMeWrite; I'm planning to show how I rewrite the beginning of WTA :D

      Thank you so much for your compliments on WTA!

  7. I used Quicktime and there's an option for "New Screen Recording" for Macs. It's more complicated for PCs, because you have to download software.

    The pictures are basically scraps of background info. I've not yet had to completely change the plot, but I will as soon as I finish this CP round, probably in a week or so. And thank you so much for your interest -- keep an eye out on the newsletter, because once I complete the aforementioned rewrite I shall be fielding for betas!

  8. As always, loving the #WatchMeWrite videos - especially the music! (As you can see, my priorities are most certainly in order.) And watching the revision process is possibly even more interesting than the writing process... revision is always the toughest part for me, so seeing fantabulous writers killing it with their revision is usually enough for me to get my butt in the chair and write. ;)

    1. Thank you, Topaz! The music is definitely one of the highlights -- probably I spend on the most time considering that in making these videos, since the writing time doesn't actually count.

      Revisions are also toughest for me! I'm planning to show my rather horrendously huge rewrite in this month's #WatchMeWrite, so possibly that will serve as even better motivation :D

  9. Hmm, well I still don't get the point, about watching somebody write... I think writing on my own and listening to music (of course by John Williams! I LOVE Star Wars!) makes so much more sense :D

    1. True, but we all need diversion in order to stop being productive XD I think the main enjoyment is in observing another writer's process -- and of course how their story unfolds! STAR WARS MUSIC IS THE BEST.


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